Does Your Business Need Secure Data Disposal?

Businesses today are dependent upon technology and rely on digital data. Most companies have digital equipment in offices which needs to be securely destroyed and wiped clean because of the sensitivity of information stored on it.

Businesses with a high need for secure data disposal include everyone from healthcare services, to private clubs, banking, online companies and other businesses that save users data.

The data destruction products we supply ensure the highest standard data destruction necessary for all businesses, government agencies, and other individuals.

Most data stored by businesses today can easily be compromised online if not destroyed accurately. Cybersecurity problems we often see include breached online security protocols and hackers stealing data from unsecured destruction of SSDs or hard drives.

Data destruction ensures that your confidential information does not fall into the wrong hands. It is especially important if you are throwing away, decommissioning or recycling your equipment.

Laws regarding data destruction

34 states have laws in place that apply to government agencies, private businesses or both. These laws require data companies should destroy the data or make it indecipherable.

The FCC has also set a secure data disposal rule requiring any business using consumer reports to determine eligibility for credit, employment, insurance or other purposes to properly destroy data within their systems.

So, what happens if you fail to destroy data accurately? Well, there are fines. For example, if you manage medical records, improperly destroying data can violate HIPPA which can earn you fines as high as $1.5 million!

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act govern financial institutions. FCRA fines can be as high as $3,756 per violation, and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act violations can be more than $1 million.

Get Started With Phiston Technologies For Data Destruction Solutions

With Phiston Technologies, you can rest assured that our products are up to date on changing laws. We ensure your data is always in compliance with proper destruction qualifications.

Remember, simply deleting data doesn’t destroy it because it is still possible to retrieve and compromise the data. So, take the pressure off doing it yourself. Let us help.

Contact us today to learn about which data destruction product(s) best fits your needs.

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