Data security: The often-ignored threat of old smartphones • Phiston Technologies

Many people are aware of the threat posed by information stolen from old computers. The data security threat of old smartphones isn’t nearly as well known. As more companies use smartphones to increase the mobility of their workforce, they store more business information on them. According to a recent article from Business2Community, this can pose quite a security nightmare if they do not properly wipe or destroy the phones are not properly.

Most smartphones have built-in solid-state drives. So, they require special attention during the wiping process. It is possible to securely wipe the information, but only by following an SSD-specific process for that particular mobile operating system. It is important to remove the content in a consistent, systematic way. Also, document each device when the process is complete. The article noted that the biggest risk of devices containing data slipping through the cracks is during the documentation process.

Because there is generally a resale value to old smartphones, many companies will choose to wipe the data from them. However, if you’re unable to resell your phones, the best choice may be to use a data crusher to destroy the devices before recycling their materials.

The MediaVise-SSD is capable of destroying devices such as cell phones and solid-state computer drives, circuit boards, and memory cards. You can easily deploy this economical desktop SSD destroyer in the office environment. Though small, it delivers 20 tons of force in order to crush the data completely. Contact us for more information about the MediaVise-SSD and other data crushers we have available.

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