IT Consulting Offers Three Physical Tips for Improving Data Security • Phiston Technologies

The hackers who want to steal or destroy your business information never rest. To thwart their viruses and malware, you’ve employed sophisticated monitoring and security software on your network, tended by top-notch IT staff. You can improve your data security by employing these physical tips.

  • Turn your screens. Do your monitors face corridors and public walkways? Then anyone passing by can see any confidential information that’s being typed. Are your screens visible through your windows? Then someone in the next building can snoop on the displays using a pair of simple binoculars. Prevent these spy tactics by turning your screens toward a wall, so that only the people using them can view them.
  • Prohibit log-in use on public Wi-Fi. Because your employees are dedicated, they often continue their work while eating lunch or commuting. To access data, they rely on public Wi-Fi networks, which may not be secure. Hackers can easily monitor what’s being entered. Stop their espionage by prohibiting employees from accessing web pages that require log-ins while on public Wi-Fi networks. Tell your workers not to browse the company database, use email services that discuss official business, or access corporate accounting at financial institution.
  • Crush old technology. When you update the company computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, what happens to the old versions? Do they just sit in an unlocked cabinet or drawer where anyone can take them? Would anyone even notice if these devices and the data in their hard drives disappeared? After you’ve retired old technology, store them in a secure location, such as a locked cabinet in a locked room. Periodically crush their hard drives using our products. Then, there’s no chance that their data can fall into the wrong hands.

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