3 Data Security Tips for 2019

According to the 2018 IBM funded Ponemon Institute’s Cost of a Data Breach study, it takes an average of 196 days for companies to detect a data breach. Research shows that the average cost of a data breach for American companies is an estimated $7.91 million.

Data security is a very important priority for business, especially if you have a massive amount of sensitive data. Here are three data security tips that will help protect your company.

Data Security Tip #1: Prepare an IT disaster recovery plan

One of the first things you should do is develop an IT disaster recovery plan. A proper IT disaster recovery plan will give everyone guidelines on what to do in the case of an emergency. This can really be helpful if your IT network, computers or applications are exposed to malware, ransomware, hackers and other types of cyber threats.

Data Security Tip #2: Ask your employees to change their passwords frequently

Another tip is to require your employees to change their passwords frequently to prevent unauthorized access. Advise them to create passwords that are long and contain a mix of different numbers and symbols. Employees should also never use the same password for multiple websites.

Data Security Tip #3: Destroy your infected technology

If your company’s IT has been compromised you should be proactive and destroy the computer’s hard disk. Our MediaViseยฎ HDD Destroyer is a computer hard disk drive destroyer that is perfect for commercial items. All you have to do is feed the hard disk into the device and it will crush it so that no one can ever use it again. The MediaViseยฎ can also destroy circuit boards, flash drives and cell phones.

Hire us to keep your organization secure

To learn more about how we can help keep your organization secure, please contact us today. Our company, Phiston Technologies, Inc. is the leading provider of data security products and services in the state of Florida. We have a wide range of innovative patented data destruction products, such as the MediaViseยฎ, MediaViseยฎ Compact, and MediaDiceยฎ. All of our tools can help keep your organization safe by removing compromised data and destroying corrupted files and equipment.

Sources: https://www.ibm.com/security/data-breach

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