The New MediaVise Rackmount Hard Drive Destroyer • Phiston Technologies

In today’s world, data security is a critical part of every business. But, when people think about data security what comes to mind first is the integrity of data on active servers: someone hacking into a website and stealing data from an on-line source. Equally important though, is what happens to the hard drive data is stored on after that hard drive is no longer in use. You can’t just throw a used hard drive in the trash, or take it to be recycled. Wiping the hard drive isn’t always possible or practical.

That’s why we specialize in the destruction of hard drives. Devices, such as our new MediaVise Rackmount Hard Drive Destroyer, completely destroys the hard drive. There is no possible way to retrieve the data that’s on it.

Our new rack-mountable hard drive destroyer is the perfect solution for server rooms and data centers whose entire business depends on the security of the data they store.

The Phiston MediaVise Rackmount Hard Drive Destroyer uses 20 tons of force to grind and crush all the magnetic storage platter surfaces together to destroy every inch of the hard drive. So, you can be sure there is nothing left.

When the complete destruction of the hard drive is done, the drive drops into a securely locked collection drawer. The drawer holds 25 hard drives and can only be opened by entering the unique security code.

With almost undetectable levels of EMI and RFI, and construction designed to reduce noise, the MVR-HDD can be used anywhere.

Contact us to learn how your business can maintain total control of data security with the MVR-HDD. Never send your hard drives off-site to be destroyed again.

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