What is the best hard disk eraser?

You might see a lot of products available for fast and reliable data security. The information you keep on your storage media is crucial to the security of your company and also your clients. Hackers don’t always access your files via the internet, but often in very obvious, physical means. They will stop at nothing and stoop incredibly low to dig up your information, including the scrap pile.

When companies want to protect their information, they are often putting their data security at risk. Hard disk erasers are just one of the products available on the market that promise to wipe your physical media clean for either re-purposing or disposal. Once the physical media of a hard disk records the information, no computer program can erase that data. It is possible to retrieve partial information with the right software in the wrong hands. Even devices that promise to de-magnetize your hard disks are not necessarily that effective.

Phiston hard disk destroyer

The best hard disk eraser is a Phiston hard disk destroyer. By rendering the hard drive into a pile of useless scrap, you are not only saving time wasted on an ineffective method of “wiping” the drive, but also not allowing anyone to recover your information in any possible way. Phiston hard disk destroyers are better than a hard disk eraser, because of the way of destroying media. Through thousands of pounds of pressure, with carbide tipped points, the hard disk is not only pressed and compromised, but also punctured and mangled. The entire unit goes into the device and comes out in a secured bin for recycling/disposal. It is not possible to remove any pieces during the process and exchanged covertly, giving data thieves no window of opportunity to access the storage media platters themselves. Also, the pieces are safely disposed of without risk to you or your employees.

Contact us to find out more about what makes Phiston products better than a hard disk eraser.  

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